Deterring and Detecting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: A Comparative Analysis of Anti–Money Laundering and Counterterrorism Financing Strategies

My New Book titled  “Deterring and Detecting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing” is now available for purchase on Amazon. The book was published on 28/02/2018. The book deals with the most relevant topics on AML/CFT. They are “Assessing Risks and Applying a Risk-Based Approach” (chapter 2), “Terrorist Financing” (chapter 5), “Private Banking” (chapter 7), “Prepaid Cards” (chapter 8), “Modern Slavery” (chapter 11), “Fraud” (chapter 13), “Tax Evasion” (chapter 14), “Confiscation and Provisional Measures” (chapter 15) and many more. You can view the full description of the book here:  

The book uses a mix of different methodologies as opposed to focusing on just one methodology. In addition to the comparative methodology, this book adopts the case-study methodology. The case-study methodology ensures that readers: i. remain familiar with the concepts of money laundering and terrorist financing; ii. maintain a proportionate and risk-level based approach to those threats; iii. adopt the anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing procedures appropriate to that level of risk; and iv. review and maintain those procedures regularly.